Healing is an ongoing journey...
What's the next chapter in your healing and growth?
At some point in my healing journey, I heard someone say, "You don't graduate from personal development and growth," and it's SO true!
Growth and healing is a life-long journey. As we continue to evolve and transform, we gather and learn new tools and techniques and we meet new teachers and guides.
I've been blessed with amazing opportunities to work with and learn from many healers, yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and coaches...they've helped me unlock so much that was hidden inside of me, allowing me to process and let it go.
And it turns out that as you heal and come to the realization that you are a divine being, you begin living the life of your dreams...manifestation becomes a positive side effect!
I would love to share with you what I've learned and to be one of your guides on your personal healing journey.